Q: My mailbox is damaged. Where can I get replacement parts?
A: You can order replacement parts from Gaines Mfg. Inc & Gaines Direct. The parts will be delivered right to your door. Our mailboxes are the "Keystone series". The mailbox color is bronze and the mailbox accents are antique bronze.
Gaines Mfg. Inc & Gaines Direct
phone: (858) 486-7100
You can click on the following link for a complete list of parts.
Q: I want to change my roof, add a deck, paint my house, do some landscaping, or make other improvements. How do I get these approved?
A: We are officially registered in Wayne County as site condos and as stated in the by-laws, ANY improvements to the outside of your home need to be reviewed by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC), regardless if they require a permit from the Township or not. (i.e.: deck, windows, addition, roof, concrete, siding, exterior color change, etc.).
BEFORE any work is started, you need to submit it to the ACC for approval. The request must be in writing and include the following:
A cover letter with the street address and stating what you would like to do to the outside of the residence.
The dimensions of your home and lot (we recommend using your lot/home survey that is approved and on file with the Township) with the subject area noted or sketched in.
A drawing of the actual improvement to be made with appropriate measurements showing lot location, size of improvement with dimensions, etc. (If your contractor has given you blueprints, please make sure you submit them on standard 8.5x11" paper only, so that they may be copied for HOA records.)
After submitting your request for review, it will then either be approved or denied by the ACC. You will receive an answer via a letter of approval or denial (with an explanation). Please allow a minimum period of 7 business days for the response as allotted for in the by-laws. Any requests by the ACC for additional information or items that are missing from the request reverts the 7-business day 'clock' back to day 1. Same day ‘rush’ requests will not be accepted. Requests can be submitted to the ACC via e-mail or regular mail.
A: See the Architectural Committee Reminder below.
Q: I have a comment, suggestion, or complaint about something going on in the subdivision.
A: Please contact the Board of Directors at our main email address (on the contact page).
Q: I want to know where my dues are being spent.
A: Co-owners are welcome to see the budget. Please contact the Board.
Q: What do I do if I see suspicious activity?
A: Contact the appropriate legal authority. The Board of Directors are a substitute for law enforcement or emergency personnel.
Architectural Control Committee Reminder
Architectural Control Commitee (ACC) Reminder:
Please note that ANY exterior alterations to your property and home need to be approved by the ACC prior to submission to Canton Township. Please refer to the Question & Answer (Q&A) tab on the website for detailed application instructions.
Per Canton Township,
"Many homeowners' associations may also have an Architectural Review Committee that serves as the review board for any projects that affect the property. This committee usually requires a sketch of proposed projects for their review. Once they grant approval the approved drawing with signature(s) need to be brought back to the Building and Inspection Services Division to accompany the permit application."
Rental Inspection Program Reminder
In an effort to protect the health, safety and welfare or our residents, and to enhance the community’s appearance, Canton has a Residential Rental Registration and Inspection Program. Under this program, all rental properties, including single family homes and condos, must be registered with Canton’s Building and Inspection Services Division to make sure they conform to the International Property Maintenance Code and Township Ordinances. For more information on the program, please call Building and Inspection Services at 394-5205.